Login to cPanel and click on 'Legacy File Manger'
click on:
- Public_html
- cgi-bin
- auction
- config.pl
Now chose to edit your config.pl file. (editor will open in a new window)
Locate the following part of the script and amend any of the the values highlighted in RED
# Limit the number of auction items
# a user can bid on till they have so many positive
# feedback left Turn on or off
$config{'limitbidding'} = 'off';
# The Max auction items a user can post or bid on
# if there postive feedbacks left are less than
# the FeedBack points setup on the next setting below
$config{'bidsallowed'} = 2;
# Postive FeedBack points needed for a user
# to be able to place bids
# on unlimited auction items
# set to 0 to turn off
$config{'feedbackpoints'} = 2;
and click on 'Save'