This topic shows you where to update your sellers fees.
To set the website fees you must first login to cPanel and then follow these steps.
- go to 'Legacy File Manager'
- public_html
- cgi-bin
- Auction
Click on the edit options to open the script in a new page.
Now scroll down untill you find the start of the fees section ( Scroll down to see what it will look like)
NOTE: Only change the values that start with $config (the red values in the example below are what should be changed)
# Auction Item Listing Fees -0.00 for no charge
# The first is for AccountFirst and the
# second is for internal email billing and fees display
# 0.00 will auto show FREE on all the fee displays screens
# this is the same for all the fees settings below
$config{'listingfee'} = '-0.15';
$config{'listingfee2'} = '0.15';
# Gallary Items listingf fees
# for free no charge use -0.00
$config{'galleryfee'} = '-0.25';
$config{'galleryfee2'} = '0.25';
# Featured setup and Charges
# for free no charge use -0.00
$config{'feat_full_fee'} = '-0.25';
$config{'feat_full_fee2'} = '0.25';
# Category Listing Featured setup and Charges
# for free no charge use -0.00
$config{'feat_cat_fee'} = '-0.20';
$config{'feat_cat_fee2'} = '0.20';
# Color Back ground setup and Charges
$config{'feat_green_fee'} = '-0.05';
$config{'feat_green_fee2'} = '0.05';
# Bold setup and charges
$config{'feat_bold_fee'} = '-0.05';
$config{'feat_bold_fee2'} = '0.05';
# Attention Grabbers listing fee
$config{'grabberfee'} = '-0.05';
$config{'grabberfee2'} = '0.05';
# Auction back ground music listing fee
$config{'musicfee'} = '-0.05';
$config{'musicfee2'} = '0.05';
# Auction item image upload Fee
$config{'uploadimagefee'} = '-0.05';
$config{'uploadimagefee2'} = '0.05';
NEED HELP? - Dont panic if you have trouble doing this. We offer a setup/update service for just £9.99 should you prefer us to complete all of the above for you. Simply contact support for full details.